
posible future blogs

life without eyesight

how naive i was as a kid in 2009

how life has changed since then

my stugles with the law

my struggles with adhd and dyslexia(thank god for spell check)

how dead blogger is



im in a very blog writing  mood now well yesterday i would not clean my room so my mom tells me to get out i walk towards the door she tells me to change i turn around walk to my room she takes my phone and i  change and and after some screaming and hollering i walk out she follows me and tells me that if i dont get back in the house she is calling the cops then i talked to my dad for a while and my mom is still listening to everything im saying coming in to my room still yelling at me then she kicked me out.


14 in 10 days Oct-5-1995

Ill be 14 in 10 days yay i have lived 14 years i have 14 years of memorys homecoming is next week and fireflys is my fav song oh and homecomming monday is fav sport team day (aka georgia bulldawgs) tuesday is male teacher day ill be mr. holt wendsday is i dont remember thursday is class collor day 8th grade is black and friday is blue & our paraid is allso tat day so peace lol i like 7 girls how is that possbile bye peace


Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star

WASHINGTON – Astronomers have found what appears to be a gigantic suicidal planet.
The odd, fiery planet is so close to its star and so large that it is triggering tremendous plasma tides on the star. Those powerful tides are in turn warping the planet's zippy less-than-a-day orbit around its star.
The result: an ever-closer tango of death, with the planet eventually spiraling into the star.
It's a slow death. The planet WASP-18b has maybe a million years to live, said planet discoverer Coel Hellier, a professor of astrophysics at the Keele University in England. Hellier's report on the suicidal planet is in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.
"It's causing its own destruction by creating these tides," Hellier said.
The star is called WASP-18 and the planet is WASP-18b because of the Wide Angle Search for Planets team that found them.
The planet circles a star that is in the constellation Phoenix and is about 325 light-years away from Earth, which means it is in our galactic neighborhood. A light-year is about 5.8 trillion miles.
The planet is 1.9 million miles from its star, 1/50th of the distance between Earth and the sun, our star. And because of that the temperature is about 3,800 degrees.
Its size — 10 times bigger than Jupiter — and its proximity to its star make it likely to die, Hellier said.
Think of how the distant moon pulls Earth's oceans to form twice-daily tides. The effect the odd planet has on its star is thousands of times stronger, Hellier said. The star's tidal bulge of plasma may extend hundreds of miles, he said.
Like most planets outside our solar system, this planet was not seen directly by a telescope. Astronomers found it by seeing dips in light from the star every time the planet came between the star and Earth.
So far astronomers have found more than 370 planets outside the solar system. This one is "yet another weird one in the exoplanet menagerie," said planet specialist Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
It's so unusual to find a suicidal planet that University of Maryland astronomer Douglas Hamilton questioned whether there was another explanation. While it is likely that this is a suicidal planet, Hamilton said it is also possible that some basic physics calculations that all astronomers rely on could be dead wrong.
The answer will become apparent in less than a decade if the planet seems to be further in a death spiral, he said.


shit mother fucker


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my celebetery talk

12:38 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
hey city i was talking to your brother earlyer
12:40 AM
City Bloodlust …:
12:41 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
yeah he is cool
12:41 AM
City Bloodlust …:
He is.
12:42 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
arlo is cute he is so small
12:42 AM
City Bloodlust …:
yea, he's getting big though.
I need to measure him.
12:43 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
yeah is he a boy or girl
12:43 AM
City Bloodlust …:
I'm not sure yet
12:43 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
ok i think he is a boy
12:44 AM
City Bloodlust …:
why do you think that
12:44 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
i dont know i just think he is a boy
12:45 AM
City Bloodlust …:
You can't just assume that as a conclusion.
He hasn't developed his sex organs yet.
There's no way of knowing without probing him until he's 8 inches long.
12:45 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
12:46 AM
City Bloodlust …:
That's why I named him Arlo. It's a unisex name.
So if I find out later he's a girl, I won't have to change it.
12:46 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
oh ok
12:47 AM
City Bloodlust …:
The only reason I think he's a boy is because he's bigger than the one he was with in the display bin at the expo.
But I can't be sure.
12:48 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
ok thats neat is he hard to take care of
12:48 AM
City Bloodlust …:
No, he's actually very easy to take care of.
12:49 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
he likes to eat and it was weird when the crickets leg fell of
12:49 AM
City Bloodlust …:
12:50 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
invader zim is awsome
12:50 AM
City Bloodlust …:
12:51 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
it 1;00 wow
12:51 AM
City Bloodlust …:
12:52 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
oh ok thats in butler pen. right
12:52 AM
City Bloodlust …:
12:54 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
do you ever get tired of fan being like i love you city and i love your videos
12:54 AM
City Bloodlust …:
all the time
12:55 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
oh its like they treat you like a celeberity
12:55 AM
City Bloodlust …:
thanks for being obvious.
12:56 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
12:58 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
whats your fave band
12:58 AM
City Bloodlust …:
i don't have one
i listen to alot of bands
12:58 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
oh ok
1:01 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
Forbidden in Heaven and useless in Hell what where you talking about
1:02 AM
City Bloodlust …:
it's a lyric
1:03 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
to what songg
1:03 AM
City Bloodlust …:
four rusted horses, i think.
i don't exactly remember
1:04 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
oh ok
1:05 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
First you try to fuck it, then you try to eat it. If it hasn't learned your name, you better kill it before they see it and this means
1:06 AM
City Bloodlust …:
it's just a lyric
1:08 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
oh and the other lyric it was from that song
1:08 AM
City Bloodlust …:
dude i really don't remember
it's from a CD, i can't remember the names of the songs right now
1:09 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
ok cool
1:12 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
i got kicked out of a mall today
1:13 AM
City Bloodlust …:
that sucks
1:14 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
yeah so whats the worst thing thats ever happend to you
1:14 AM
City Bloodlust …:
I couldn't say.
I don't have regrets.
1:15 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
1:17 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:
are emo or scene
1:17 AM
City Bloodlust …:
i'm City.
1:17 AM
Dekota Shinglet…:

City Bloodlust... Pop Out IM Clear History Block Report Abuse 6/20/2009 12:38 AM Dekota Shinglet…: hey city i was talking to your brother earlyer …………


im depesssed

im depesssed


Matt Nathanson - Come On Get Higher (LYRICS)


Today was so fun OMG

So yeah today was so fun we helped Mrs.Miller move classrooms i would do that any day we had so much fun lol so how are you im good and Mrs.Millers internet is broke so whatever sorry for the short post


swine flu

GENEVA – The World Health Organization announced Thursday it will would stop using the term "swine flu" to avoid confusion over the danger posed by pigs. The policy shift came a day after Egypt began slaughtering thousands of pigs in a misguided effort to prevent swine flu.
WHO spokesman Dick Thompson said the agriculture industry and the U.N. food agency had expressed concerns that the term "swine flu" was misleading consumers and needlessly causing countries to ban pork products and order the slaughter of pigs.
"Rather than calling this swine flu ... we're going to stick with the technical scientific name H1N1 influenza A," Thompson said.
The swine flu virus originated in pigs, and has genes from human, bird and pig viruses. Scientists don't know exactly how it jumped to humans. In the current outbreak, WHO says the virus is being spread from human to human, not from contact with infected pigs.
Egypt began slaughtering its roughly 300,000 pigs Wednesday even though experts said swine flu is not linked to pigs and not spread by eating pork. Angry farmers protested the government decree.
In Paris, the World Organization for Animal Health said Thursday "there is no evidence of infection in pigs, nor of humans acquiring infection directly from pigs."
Killing pigs "will not help to guard against public or animal health risks" presented by the virus and "is inappropriate," the group said in a statement.
China, Russia, Ukraine and other nations have banned pork exports from Mexico and parts of the United States, blaming swine flu fears.
Most in the Muslim world consider pigs unclean animals and do not eat pork because of religious restrictions. The farmers in Egypt raise the pigs for consumption by the country's Christian minority.
WHO also reported the number of confirmed swine flu cases rose to 257 worldwide Thursday, with cases in Mexico rising to 97 from 26, with seven deaths. The WHO confirmed tally from the United States now stands at 109, with one death.
Other confirmed cases include 34 in Canada, 13 in Spain, eight in Britain, three each in Germany and New Zealand, two in Israel and one each in Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
WHO raised the pandemic flu alert to phase 5 on Wednesday, one step away from the highest level indicating a global outbreak. WHO flu chief Keiji Fukuda said Thursday there were no indications in the past day that would prompt the U.N. body to raise the alert further.
To move from pandemic alert level 5 to level 6 means that WHO believes there is evidence of big outbreaks in at least two world regions and a pandemic is under way.
Fukuda said the jump in confirmed cases from Mexico was probably the result of scientists working their way through a backlog of untested samples from suspected cases.
"They are going through several thousands of laboratory specimens right now," he said.
WHO has started distributing its stockpile of 2 million treatments of the antiviral drug Tamiflu to regional offices, which will decide where to send them next.
Many of those drugs will go to developing countries that don't have stockpiles of their own and some will be sent to Mexico, Fukuda said, without providing figures.


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